The Build Your Vision Project: Lesson 2 -Working with Lines
In this lesson, students will review the basics of Boxy SVG learned in Lesson 1
Students will interact and engage with the Boxy SVG interface, and begin the process of simple design creation
Students will learn to work with and use the following: Line Creation, Transform Tool, Selecting Lines, Moving Lines, Resizing Lines
Conceptual Background:
Students will begin to utilize basic line creation and manipulation in this tutorial. By doing so, students will be able to interact with, and learn basic skills in 2D vector design and begin practice utilizing Boxy SVG tools.
In vector-based graphics programs, graphics are created by drawing path segments. Every graphic is composed of at least one path segment, bounded by two anchor points on either end. The more complicated your graphic, the more path segments and anchor points it will need. Lines can be manipulated to change their length or angle by manipulating the placement of the anchor points, as well as by changing their position on the art-board and work-plane.
Learning the difference between open and closed paths is important when creating 3D objects -you cannot create a 3D object if the path is not closed. However, we can use lines to build up and bridge components of 3D objects as it is created in a CAD program.
Students should begin the lesson by engaging in a Google Search for 'Geometric Line Drawings' to search for information and inspiration on the exercises they will work through in this lesson. See this link for examples
By the end of the lesson students should have a basic understanding of how to resize and move objects, and utilize lines to create a cohesive drawing
HS-ETS1-1 Engineering Design: Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants.
HS-ETS1-2 Engineering Design: Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering
HS-ETS1-3 Engineering Design: Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.
Student Chrome Books
Computer for teacher to load slide presentation
Slide presentation BYV Lesson 2.
Student drawing materials and notebook/paper
Students will review Part 1: Introducing Graphic Editing Programs and Vectors and Tutorial 1: Getting Started with Boxy SVG.
Students will work through Tutorial 2: Basic Line Creation
Anticipatory Set:
Timing: 5 minutes
Student Chrome Books
Student notebooks and writing/drawing materials
Instruct students to create a Google Search for Geometric Line Drawings (see link above in Conceptual Background) and take a few minutes to research how other designers have utilized basic, straight line work in order to create complex drawings.
Instruct students to create a quick sketch of their own geometric line drawing
Activity 1:
Timing: 10 minutes
Slide presentation
Work through the PowerPoint slide presentation BYV Lesson 2 with students to introduce working with lines in Boxy SVG
Detail the lesson agenda: students will learn beginning skills in Boxy SVG through the creation of a graphic using line work.
Activity 2:
Timing: 30 minutes
Student Chrome Books
Build Your Vision Tutorial Manual Tutorial 2: Basic Line Creation
Instruct students to open the tutorial manual and Boxy SVG
Students will quickly review Tutorial 1: Getting Started with Boxy SVG to refresh what they learned in Lesson 1
Students will read and work through Tutorial 2: Basic Line Creation
Check for Understanding
The teacher will walk around the room and ensure students are able to open the tutorial manual and work through the material
Ensure students periodically save their work to maintain progress of their work on the project
Recap and Wrap-Up:
Timing: 5 minutes
Instruct students to note their progress, save their work if needed and close their computers
Ask the class the following questions to check for understanding or have students discuss in pairs:
What does the Transform Tool do?
How do you Select a line?
How do you Resize a line?