The Build Your Vision Project: Lesson 3 -The Zoom Tool and Introducing Quick Tips and Tricks
Students will fix any mistakes and gaps in their graphic from Lesson 2: Basic Line Creation by learning how to correctly use the Zoom Tool.
Students will learn how to use Undo to fix mistakes as they create graphics.
Conceptual Background:
In this lesson, students will review the line graphic they created in the previous tutorial and learn to use the Zoom Tool. Learning to use this tool is critical in creating accurate vector graphics, and accurate designs to build 3D objects. Students will learn where and how to Zoom in on their work, in order to fix mistakes and maintain accuracy. When creating 3D objects, utilizing Zoom is essential to ensure object pieces are correctly placed, interlocked etc.
Students will be introduced to the Quick Tips and Tricks tutorial section, and learn how to Undo mistakes. This is also an essential command when working with graphics and 3D objects, in order to easily and quickly fix mistakes that will inevitably occur.
HS-ETS1-1 Engineering Design: Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants.
HS-ETS1-2 Engineering Design: Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering
HS-ETS1-3 Engineering Design: Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.
Student Chrome Books
Teacher computer
Line graphics file for practice located here.
Students will review Tutorial 2: Basic Line Creation.
Students will work through Tutorial 3: Changing Your View -The Zoom Tool.
Students will work through Quick Tips and Tricks: Fixing Mistakes.
Anticipatory Set:
Timing: 5 minutes
Student Chrome Books
Build Your Vision Tutorial Manual Tutorial 2: Basic Line Creation
Instruct students to open the file they created in the last lesson: Line Graphics, and briefly review how to create lines and use the Transform Tool.
Instruct students to note if they can see any gaps between lines in their graphic.
Activity 1:
Timing: 10 minutes
- Teacher Computer
- Projector
- Student Chrome Books
- Introduce students to the Quick Tips and Tricks section of their tutorial manual. Use the teacher computer and projector to show students.
- Instruct students to work through the first section: Quick Tip 1: Fixing Mistakes
Activity 2:
Timing: 30 minutes
Student Chrome Books
Build Your Vision Tutorial Manual Tutorial 3: Changing Your View -the Zoom Tool
Instruct students to open the tutorial manual and Boxy SVG
Instruct students to download the link to the graphics exercise file they will use in this tutorial, located here. Students will open the link, and save the image to their desktop. The file can then be opened in Boxy SVG.
Instruct students to work through Tutorial 3: Changing Your View -The Zoom Tool
Check for Understanding
The teacher will walk around the room and ensure students are able to open the tutorial manual and work through the material
Ensure students periodically save their work to maintain progress of their work on the project
Recap and Wrap-Up:
Timing: 5 minutes
Instruct students to note their progress, save their work if needed and close their computers
Ask the class the following questions to check for understanding or have students discuss in pairs:
What are the different Zoom Tools?
How can you reset your view? Why would you want to do so?
How do you use Undo and Redo to fix mistakes?